Course Highlights
24.963 Linguistic Phonetics
Fall 2005

The source-filter model of speech production. (Image by MIT OCW.)
Course Description
This course is a study of speech sounds: how we produce and perceive them and their acoustic properties. It explores the influence of the production and perception systems on phonological patterns and sound change. Acoustic analysis and experimental techniques are also discussed.
Recommended Citation
For any use or distribution of these materials, please cite as follows:
Edward Flemming, course materials for 24.963 Linguistic Phonetics, Fall 2005. MIT OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:
This course content is a redistribution of MIT Open Courses. Access to the course materials is free to all users.
This course content is a redistribution of MIT Open Courses. Access to the course materials is free to all users.