Yale expands online education, appoints new director
Source: yaledailynews.c Posted By: Souravs Mookherjee..4334 days ago
Campus: Yale University
In a Wednesday email to the Yale community, Provost Benjamin Polak announced the University’s new partnership with Coursera, an online education platform used by Princeton, Columbia, Stanford....
Education Department and Yale Settle Title IX Complaint
Source: insidehighered. Posted By: Kalyani KAV...4666 days ago
Campus: Yale University
Yale University has been falling short in dealing with and preventing sexual harassment on campus, the U.S. Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights has found, after an investigation....
The Showdown Over Liberal Education at Yale
Source: huffingtonpost. Posted By: Mangesh Kavathekar..4741 days ago
Campus: Yale University
The stampede (or is it a gold rush?) abroad by dozens of American universities to plant their flags, brand names and, some of them claim, the seeds of liberal education and democracy was starting....
Yale-NUS to experiment with science majors
Source: yaledailynews.c Posted By: Daniel YAN...4806 days ago
Campus: Yale University
While Yale students pursuing degrees in science or math can choose among 23 majors, such students at the Yale-NUS College in Singapore will have only three majors to consider: “natural sciences,â€....
God and damage control at Yale
Source: powerlineblog.c Posted By: yara HUS...5028 days ago
Campus: Yale University
Having just killed its interdisciplinary program for the study of anti-Semitism, Yale University announced on Monday that it is launching a new program for the study of anti-Semitism. JTA reports....
Yale punishes fraternity for sexist chanting
Source: Reuters Posted By: Benjamin HAG...5063 days ago
Campus: Yale University
Yale University has penalized a fraternity that counts former President George W. Bush among its members after complaints of sexual hostility toward women, including chanting about rape. The....
Yale ramps up its safety training
Source: Boston Globe Posted By: Sourav1 MOO...5092 days ago
Campus: Yale University
Yale University is stepping up its safety training after a student was killed last week inside a school chemistry lab when her hair was pulled into a piece of machine-shop equipment. Yale....
"Hostile sexual environment" at Yale?
Source: CBS News Posted By: kalyani MOR...5107 days ago
Campus: Yale University
Federal civil rights officials are looking into complaints by Yale University students that the Ivy League school in New Haven, Conn. has a sexually hostile environment. They also allege the....
Yale-NUS College to open in 2013
Source: straitstimes.co Posted By: kalyani KAL...5111 days ago
Campus: Yale University
THE Yale-National University of Singapore liberal arts college is finally a done deal. On Thursday, the two universities announced that the 'Yale-NUS College', as it will be called, will open....
Source: nypost.com Posted By: Mangesh KAV...5126 days ago
Campus: Yale University
The animal-lab technician charged with killing a brilliant Yale University graduate will plead guilty in New Haven criminal court tomorrow, his lawyer said yesterday. Joseph Lopez said his....
Yale gets $50M gift for management school
Source: Washington Post Posted By: asda DSA...5211 days ago
Campus: Yale University
A member of Yale University's Class of 1964 has given a $50 million gift to the Ivy League school toward the construction of a new building at the School of Management. The gift from Edward....
Yale fraternity pledges chant about rape
Source: Salon Posted By: someone3 SOM...5278 days ago
Campus: Yale University
Sometimes, the post just writes itself: On Wednesday night, Delta Kappa Epsilon pledges marched through Yale's Old Campus -- where most first-year female students are housed -- chanting, "No....
Yale University Questions Force Used by New Haven Police During Club Raid
Source: ABC News Posted By: someone2 SOM...5288 days ago
Campus: Yale University
New Haven Police Department officers are accused of using excessive force during a raid of a Yale University party where cops allegedly brandishing semi-automatic weapons tasered a student before....
Sex at Yale - Yalies, under the covers
Source: yaledailynews.c Posted By: someone SOM...5505 days ago
Campus: Yale University
It’s Monday morning. You are in a seminar with 20 classmates, half men, half women. In the past week, about six of them have had sexual intercourse. The same goes for oral sex. Half of them....
Yale classics professor Erich Segal whose Love Story inspired a generation dies, aged 72
Source: theaustralian.c Posted By: someone1 SOM...5545 days ago
Campus: Yale University
Yale classics professor Erich Segal whose Love Story inspired a generation dies, aged 72 From: The Times January 21, 2010 12:00AM Increase Text SizeDecrease Text SizePrintEmail Share Add to....
If You Liked 'High School Musical,' You'll Love Yale
Source: yaledailynews.c Posted By: mihir SHA...5547 days ago
Campus: Yale University
While Yale University does not lack for applicants, it is trying something new on the admissions recruitment front this year and has just unveiled on YouTube a video called "That's Why I Chose....
Yale SOM Announces Largest Alumni Gift to Date
Source: opa.yale.edu Posted By: Kavita1 KUS...5559 days ago
Campus: Yale University
Yale President Richard C. Levin PhD '74 announced on January 4, 2010, that Lei Zhang MBA '02, GRD '02 has pledged the largest gift ever to the Yale School of Management by a graduate of the school.....
Quadruplets admitted to Yale University
Source: yaledailynews.c Posted By: 325..5577 days ago
Campus: Yale University
Twins team up, split up. They are both Computing and the Arts majors in Silliman College and have roomed together since freshman year. At the start of each semester, they pore over the Blue....
Yale researchers make breakthrough in detecting cancer
Source: dailytech.com Posted By: viv CHA...5583 days ago
Campus: Yale University
Cancer detection and a cure for the disease are two of the most widely researched areas in medicine. The detection and treatment of different type of cancers are being bolstered by research in....
Affidavit links lab tech to Yale student's death
Source: newsday.com Posted By: mygmi 200...5613 days ago
Campus: Yale University
Even before Yale student Annie Le's body was discovered hidden in a wall, the lab technician later arrested in her death aroused suspicions by lingering in Le's laboratory, where cops watched....