David Oliver, University of Missouri Professor Documents Cancer Battle In Online Videos
Source: huffingtonpost. Posted By: Souravs Mookherjee..4802 days ago
Campus: University of Missouri-St Louis
At first, David Oliver ignored the bump on his neck that he noticed while shaving. The medical school professor assumed it was calcified scar tissue from a previous surgery. But the growth....
Wolfe is new University of Missouri System president
Source: kansascity.com Posted By: Kalyani KAV...4852 days ago
Campus: University of Missouri-St Louis
Once again, the University of Missouri System has dipped into the business world for its president, this time coming up with a former hometown boy, Timothy M. Wolfe. The 53-year-old MU School....
Missouri universities earn $16 million in royalties
Source: kansascity.com Posted By: Mangesh Kavathekar..5208 days ago
Campus: University of Missouri-St Louis
The Missouri Department of Higher Education says the University of Missouri system and the private Washington University in St. Louis earned more than $16 million in royalties and license fees....
Mandatory iPhones at University of Missouri worth a bit of outrage?
Source: education.zdnet Posted By: Daniel YAN...5798 days ago
Campus: University of Missouri-St Louis
Sam Diaz’ blog post, as well as countless others about the iPhone/iPod touch requirements at the University of Missouri School of Journalism were all over Twitter and Google News Monday. I....
College spammers face 10 years in prison in $4.1M operation
Source: arstechnica.com Posted By: yara HUS...5810 days ago
Campus: University of Missouri-St Louis
Four individuals were indicted by a federal grand jury in Missouri this week for spamming more than 2,000 colleges and universities across the US. The team first started on their scheme at the....
US Vice President Biden calls for affordable higher education
Source: bnd.com Posted By: Benjamin HAG...5823 days ago
Campus: University of Missouri-St Louis
ST. LOUIS -- Vice President Joe Biden has pledged to close gaps between family incomes and college costs, to make higher education a reality for more American students. Biden said Friday at....