Harvard Graduate School of Education’s New Dean Announced
Source: harvardmagazine Posted By: Souravs Mookherjee..4308 days ago
Campus: Harvard University
James E. Ryan, a scholar at the crossroads of education, law, and policy, will become the new dean of Harvard’s Graduate School of Education (HGSE) on September 1, President Drew Faust announced....
Harvard and MIT try to build a higher education in the cloud
Source: theverge.com Posted By: Kalyani KAV...4336 days ago
Campus: Harvard University
Harvard and MIT are among a group of universities planning to spend tens of millions of dollars on "massively open online courses (MOOCs)," a new type of higher education teaching that can include....
Parents Sue Education Consultant For $2 Million After Sons Don't Get Into Harvard
Source: ABC News Posted By: Mangesh Kavathekar..4552 days ago
Campus: Harvard University
A couple in Hong Kong is suing a Boston-area education consultant for the $2 million they say they paid him to get their two sons into top prep schools and, ultimately, an Ivy League university.....
Walker to deliver education speech at Harvard
Source: gazettextra.com Posted By: Daniel YAN...4628 days ago
Campus: Harvard University
Gov. Scott Walker plans to speak at an education conference hosted by Harvard University. Walker planned to talk at the event Thursday at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. The two-day....
DDC Announces Harvard University Partnership in Conjunction with National DNA Testing Standard for T
Source: sfgate.com Posted By: yara HUS...4693 days ago
Campus: Harvard University
DDC (DNA Diagnostics Center), one of the largest DNA testing companies in the world, announces its new partnership with Dr. Pelish and the Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department at Harvard....
Faculty Enthusiastic About Harvard's Move to Online Education
Source: thecrimson.com Posted By: Benjamin HAG...4708 days ago
Campus: Harvard University
In what is nearly a biannual rite of passage, Harvard undergraduates—nearly one thousand of them—flock to Sanders Theatre to attend “Justice,†a course taught by government professor....
The World's Most Reputable Universities
Source: Forbes Posted By: Sourav1 MOO...4761 days ago
Campus: Harvard University
Harvard is the world’s most reputable university, according to a new ranking just released by Times Higher Education, a London-based magazine. Its second annual reputation ranking, which....
Lady Gaga's Harvard Visit to See Protest for Expelled Gays
Source: sfgate.com Posted By: kalyani MOR...4776 days ago
Campus: Harvard University
Seven Harvard University students who were expelled in 1920 on suspicion of being gay will be remembered in a campus protest today outside Lady Gaga's presentation of the Born This Way Foundation. A....
Harvard Targeted in U.S. Asian-American Discrimination Probe
Source: businessweek.co Posted By: kalyani KAL...4802 days ago
Campus: Harvard University
The U.S. Education Department is probing complaints that Harvard University and Princeton University discriminate against Asian-Americans in undergraduate admissions. The department’s Office....
Harvard Dropout Mark Zuckerberg's Triumphant Return to Campus
Source: Fox News Posted By: Mangesh KAV...4889 days ago
Campus: Harvard University
Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg left Harvard University as a dropout with a novel idea. He returned Monday with a triumphant message: He's hiring. The 27-year-old CEO received a rock-star....
Harvard Researcher Chosen as New Dean of Weill Cornell Medical College
Source: New York Times Posted By: asda DSA...4950 days ago
Campus: Harvard University
A Harvard University researcher and professor with strong ties to the pharmaceutical industry has been selected as the new dean of Weill Cornell Medical College in Manhattan, as Cornell University....
Harvard is most discussed university on Web: survey
Source: Reuters Posted By: someone3 SOM...4958 days ago
Campus: Harvard University
Harvard conquered stiff competition from runners-up Northwestern University and the University of California, Berkeley based on the number of mentions it receives on the Web, according to the....
1,500 Graduate from the University of Hartford
Source: windsorlocks.pa Posted By: someone2 SOM...5065 days ago
Campus: Harvard University
A sea of umbrellas covered the lawn in front of the Gengras Student Union building at the University of Hartford as about 1,500 graduates, their families, and school faculty gathered for the....
Summers To Resume Teaching at Harvard
Source: thecrimson.com Posted By: someone SOM...5196 days ago
Campus: Harvard University
Former University President Lawrence H. Summers will resume teaching and research at the Kennedy School this month after serving as a top economic adviser at the White House for two years. Summers....
Harvard missed signs it was being hoodwinked
Source: Boston Globe Posted By: someone1 SOM...5204 days ago
Campus: Harvard University
It turns out that fooling the gatekeepers of the nation’s most selective university wasn’t as hard as it looks. Adam Butler Wheeler, portrayed upon his arrest for fraud as a con artist....
Student who conned his way into Harvard pleads guilty, gets probation
Source: nypost.com Posted By: mihir SHA...5215 days ago
Campus: Harvard University
Adam Wheeler, the former Harvard University student who lied about his background in order to gain admission to the prestigious campus, pleaded guilty Thursday to 20 charges against him including....
Books vandalized at Harvard library
Source: upi.com Posted By: Kavita1 KUS...5218 days ago
Campus: Harvard University
About 40 Harvard University library books dealing with gay, bisexual and transgender issues were soaked with urine, officials at the Cambridge school say. A report filed Friday by library....
Second armed robbery in three days near Harvard campus
Source: Boston Globe Posted By: 325..5247 days ago
Campus: Harvard University
A Cambridge man was arrested early yesterday morning after firing a gun at a police officer and attempting to rob three Harvard University freshmen at gunpoint, according to statements from the....
Economy strikes America’s richest university
Source: MSNBC Posted By: viv CHA...5250 days ago
Campus: Harvard University
You know the financial meltdown is bad when even Harvard is feeling the pinch. Harvard — America's oldest university and the world's wealthiest — helped pioneer a model of diversified....
Harvard warns students about Four Loko
Source: Boston Globe Posted By: mygmi 200...5261 days ago
Campus: Harvard University
Harvard University officials are warning students about a potent new drink containing both alcohol and caffeine called Four Loko. "We strongly recommend that members of the Harvard community....