Course Highlights
21M.621 / SP.595 Theater and Cultural Diversity in the U.S.
Spring 2008

Students enact a 5 minute performance as part of their final project. (Image courtesy of Daniel Bersak.)
Course Description
This course explores contemporary American theatrical expression as it may be organized around issues of gender and cultural identity. This exploration will include the analysis of performances, scripts, and video documentation, as well as the invention of original documents of theatrical expression. Class lectures and discussions will analyze samples of Native American, Chicano, African American, and Asian American theater, taking into consideration the historical and political context for the creation of these works. Performance exercises will help students identify theatrical forms and techniques used by these theaters, and how these techniques contribute to the overall goals of specific theatrical expressions.
Special Features
Technical Requirements
Special software is required to use some of the files in this course: .rm.
This course content is a redistribution of MIT Open Courses. Access to the course materials is free to all users.
This course content is a redistribution of MIT Open Courses. Access to the course materials is free to all users.