Course Highlights
22.313J / 2.59J / 10.536J Thermal Hydraulics in Power Technology
Spring 2007

Burnout of an electrically heated steel wire upon occurrence of the boiling crisis. (Image by Prof. Buongiorno.)
Course Description
This course covers the thermo-fluid dynamic phenomena and analysis methods for conventional and nuclear power stations. Specific topics include: kinematics and dynamics of two-phase flows; steam separation; boiling, instabilities, and critical conditions; single-channel transient analysis; multiple channels connected at plena; loop analysis including single and two-phase natural circulation; and subchannel analysis.
Technical Requirements
Special software is required to use some of the files in this course: .m.
This course content is a redistribution of MIT Open Courses. Access to the course materials is free to all users.
This course content is a redistribution of MIT Open Courses. Access to the course materials is free to all users.