Course Highlights
18.304 Undergraduate Seminar in Discrete Mathematics
Spring 2006

The famous Bridges of Konigsberg Problem: Can you cross all seven bridges over the river in a single trip, arriving back at your starting point and without crossing any bridge twice? In graph theory, this is the same as asking whether there is an Eulerian circuit on a multigraph with four nodes and seven edges. The great Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler proved in 1736 that the answer is no. (Image by MIT OCW.)
Course Description
This course is a student-presented seminar in combinatorics, graph theory, and discrete mathematics in general. Instruction and practice in written and oral communication is emphasized, with participants reading and presenting papers from recent mathematics literature and writing a final paper in a related topic.
This course content is a redistribution of MIT Open Courses. Access to the course materials is free to all users.
This course content is a redistribution of MIT Open Courses. Access to the course materials is free to all users.