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Anderson, B. D. O., and J. B. Moore. Optimal Filtering. Prentice-Hall, 1979. ISBN: 0-13-638122-7 (Out of Print).
Very readable treatment of Kalman and Wiener filtering.
Drake, A.Fundamentals of Applied Probability Theory. McGraw-Hill, 1967. ISBN: 0-07-017815-1 (Out of Print).
Basic engineering text on probability theory.
Feller, W. An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications. Vols. 1 and 2. Wiley, 1968. ISBN: 0-471-25708-7.
Valuable formal reference set on probability theory.
Gardner, W. A. Introduction to Random Processes: with Applications to Signals and Systems. 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill, 1990. ISBN: 0-07-022855-8.
Useful auxilliary reference for a number of topics covered in the course, particularly stochastic processes.
Gray, R. M., and L. D. Davisson. Random Processes: A Mathematical Approach for Engineers. Prentice-Hall, 1986. ISBN: 0-13-752882-5 (Out of Print).
Bridges the gap between formal mathematical texts and engineering texts on probability theory.
Helstrom, C. W. Probability and Stochastic Processes for Engineers. Macmillan, 1991. ISBN: 0-02-353571-7.
Nice undergraduate level introduction to several themes in the course.
Kay, S. M. Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing and Estimation Theory. Prentice-Hall, 1993. ISBN: 0-13-345711-7.
Accessible and thorough treatment of estimation theory.
Lee, E., and D. G. Messerschmitt. Digital Communication. 2nd ed. Kluwer Academic, 1994. ISBN: 0-89838-274-2.
Advanced reading on applications in communication theory.
Loève, M. Probability Theory. Vol. 1. 4th ed. Springer-Verlag, 1977. ISBN: 3-540-90210.
Formal but reasonably readable treatment of probability theory. A classic.
Naylor, A. W., and G. R. Sell. Linear Operator Theory in Engineering and Science. Springer-Verlag, 1982. ISBN: 0-387-90748-3 (Out of Print).
Accessible treatment of the mathematical foundations for vector space concepts.
Oppenheim, A. V., and R. W. Schafer. Discrete-Time Signal Processing. Prentice Hall, 1989. ISBN: 0-13-216292-X (Out of Print).
Standard text on discrete-time linear systems and signals.
Oppenheim, A. V., and A. S. Willsky. Signals and Systems. Prentice-Hall, 1982. ISBN: 0-13-814757-4.
Standard undergraduate text on signals and systems.
Parzen, E. Stochastic Processes. Holden-Day, 1962. ISBN: 0-8162-6664-6.
Classic, formal text on stochastic processes.
Scharf, L. L. Statistical Signal Processing: Detection, Estimation, and Time Series Analysis. Addison-Wesley, 1991. ISBN: 0-201-19038-9.
Slightly more advanced treatment of several detection and estimation topics.
Stark, H., and J. W. Woods. Probability, Random Processes, and Estimation Theory for Engineers. 2nd ed. Prentice-Hall, 1994. ISBN: 0-13-728791-7 (Out of Print).
A useful reference for many topics in the course, as well as the background material.
Strang, G.Linear Algebra and its Applications. 3rd ed. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1988. ISBN: 0-15-551006-1.
Standard reference text on linear algebra.
Therrien, C. W. Discrete Random Signals and Statistical Signal Processing. Prentice-Hall, 1992. ISBN: 0-13-852112-3 (Out of Print).
Very accessible reference for many topics in the course.
Van, H. L. Trees, Detection, Estimation and Modulation Theory, Part I. Wiley, 1968. ISBN: 0-471-89955-0 (Out of Print).
Classic and valuable reference text on detection and estimation theory.