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18.01, 18.02, or equivalent; 8.01, 8.02, or equivalent; 6.002 and 6.003 (more precisely: complex numbers, vector operators, simple matrix operations, basic calculus, RLC circuits, Maxwell's equations, and Fourier transforms).
Staelin, David H. "Electromagnetics and Applications." (Course notes, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, n.d.) Earlier versions should not be used.
Haus, Hermann A., and James R. Melcher. Electromagnetic Fields and Energy. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1989. ISBN: 9780132490207. For figures and demos (out of print but available on Web at Hypermedia Teaching Facility.)
There will be two quizzes, quiz 1 (Ses #Q1) and quiz 2 (Ses #Q2), at 10:00-11:00 AM. The quizzes will be closed book, but formula sheets will be supplied. There will be a scheduled final exam.
Generally issued in lectures on Tuesdays; due Wednesday of the following week in recitation; graded homework is returned at tutorials. Late homework grades will be reduced 20 percent until 4:00 PM Friday and then 50 percent thereafter. Students are on their honor to not use handed out solutions to prepare their late homework.
The homework is an extremely important part of learning this subject. Students are allowed to work together on homework assignments and to use past homeworks and solutions as aids but each person must do their own thinking and prepare their own homework solutions. Quiz and final exam problems will be similar to homework problems.
There will be two types of tutorials:
The term grade G is approximately the sum Q1+Q2+2F+H where Q1+Q2 is the total quiz grade, F is the final exam grade, and H is the homework and tutorial grade; each is normalized to 100.