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Assigned chapters are drawn from the course textbook:
Schein, Edgar H. Process Consultation Revisited: Building the Helping Relationship. Prentice Hall, 1998. ISBN: 020134596X.
1 | Introduction | | 2 | Guidelines for Kickoff Meeting - Breakout Session | | 3 | Definition of Concern and Momentum Policies - Breakout Group Presentation 1 | | 4 | Rough Dynamic Hypotheses - Breakout Group Presentation 2 | Chapters 1 and 2 | 5 | Dynamic Hypotheses - Breakout Group Presentation 3 | Chapters 3 and 4 | 6 | Mini-presentations - Breakout Group Presentation 4 | | 7 | Partial Model of First Hypothesis - Breakout Group Presentation 5 | Chapters 5 and 6 | 8 | Model and Analysis of First Hypothesis - Breakout Group Presentation 6 | | 9 | Partial Model of First Hypothesis - Breakout Group Presentation 7
Molecules Out | Chapters 7 and 8 | 10 | Model and Analysis of First Hypothesis - Breakout Group Presentation 8 | Chapters 9 and 10 | 11 | Partial Model of First Hypothesis - Breakout Group Presentation 9 | Chapters 11 and 12 | 12 | Model and Analysis of First Hypothesis - Breakout Group Presentation 10 | | 13 | Partial Model of First Hypothesis - Breakout Group Presentation 11 | | 14 | Insights Presentation - Breakout Group Presentation 12 | | 15 | Final Presentations and Models | |