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Study Materials

Reference List on Ethnography

1.0 - 19th Century Fieldwork
2.0 - 20th Century Social Anthropology
2.1 - Reflections on Fieldwork
2.2.1 - Classic Social Anthropology Ethnographies
2.2.2 - Community Studies
2.3 - Comparative Method and Projects
2.3.1 - Regional Projects - Rhodes-Livingstone - Chiapas - New Mexico - Indonesia & 1960s Modernization Theory - L'Annales Sociologique - ASA Mongraphs - American Museum Sourcebooks in Anthropology
3.0 - Interviewing, Life Histories, Narratives
3.1 - Psycho-Dynamic, Psychological, and Intersubjective-Interpersonal Studies
3.2 - Socio-Linguistics, Folklore, Oral Histories
3.3 - Oral History Problematics
3.4 - Folklore in Context
3.5 - Rereadings with Ethnographic Experience, Context
3.6 - Translation: Linguistic and Cultural
4.0 - Seeing Structural Patterns: Symbolic Anthropology, Structuralisms, Critical Theory, Hermeneutic Horizons, Feminist Anthropology
5.0 - Restudies & Triangulations
6.0 - Advocacy & Ethnography
7.0 - Fieldwork Under Fire
8.0 - Multi-sited Ethnographies, Circulation, Media
9.0 - Ethnographic Writing and Film
9.1 - Case Study Formats
9.1.1 - Psychoanalytic
9.1.2 - Case Study Formats Adapted from Legal Case Study Formats
10.0 - Anthropological Science Studies

1.0 - 19th Century Fieldwork

Notes & Queries on Anthropology. 1st ed. 1874; 6th ed. 1951.

Fabian, Johannes. Out of Our Minds: Reason and Madness in the Exploration of Central Africa. California, 2000.

Rivers, W. H. R. "The Genealogical Method of Anthropological Inquiry." The Sociological Review 3 (1910).

(A. C. Haddon, W. H. R. Rivers, C. C. Seligman, L. H. Morgan, et al.)

2.0 - 20th Century Social Anthropology

2.1 - Reflections on Fieldwork

Bohanan, Laura [Elenore Smith Bowen]. Return to Laughter. Doubleday, 1964.

Casagrande, Joseph B. In the Company of Man: Twenty Portraits by Anthropologists. Harper, 1960.

Golde, Peggy. Women in the Field. Aldine, 1970.

Levi-Strauss, Claude. Tristes Tropiques. Criterion, 1955/1961.

Malinowski, Bronislaw. "Subject, Method, and Scope of this Inquiry." In Argonauts of the Western Pacific. 1922.

Firth, Raymond, ed. Man and Culture. RKP, 1957.

Maybury-Lewis, David. The Savage and the Innocent. Evans, 1965.

Redfield, Robert, and Sol Tax. Fieldwork: The Correspondence of Robert Redfield and Sol Tax. Westview, 1991.

2.2.1 - Classic Social Anthropology Ethnographies

Evans-Pritchard, E. E. Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic among the Azande. OUP, 1937.

———. The Nuer. 1940. 

———. Kinship & Marriage Among the Nuer. 1951.

———. Nuer Religion. OUP, 1956.

Firth, R. We the Tikopia. Allen & Unwin, 1936.

———. Social Change in Tikopia: Fe-study of a Polynesian Community After a Generation. Macmillan, 1959.

Malinowski, Bronislaw. Argonauts of the Western Pacific. Routledge. 1922.

———. Coral Gardens and their Magic. American Book Co., 1935.

Radcliffe-Brown, A. R. The Adaman Islanders. Cambridge, 1933.

———. Structure and Function in Primitive Society. 1952.

———. Method in Social Anthropology. 1950.

2.2.2 - Community Studies

Favret-Saada, Jeanne. Deadly Words: Witchcraft in the Brocage. CUP, 1977.

Goffman, Erving. Asylums. Doubleday, 1961.

Suttles, Gerald. The Social Order of the Slum: Ethnicity and Territory in the Inner City. Chicago, 1968.

Warner, Lloyd. Black Civilization. Harper, 1937.

———. Yankee City. Yale, 1930s-40s.

Whyte, William Foote. Street Corner Society. Chicago, 1943.

2.3 - Comparative Method and Projects

Eggan, Fred, ed. Social Organization of North American Tribes: Essays in Social Organization, Law, and Religion. 2nd ed. Chicago, 1955.

Fortes, M., and E. E. Evans-Pritchard, eds. African Political Systems. Oxford, 1940.

Malinowski, B. Sex & Repression in Savage Society. 1927.

Radcliffe-Brown, A. R., and D. Forde, eds. African Systems of Kinship & Marriage. OUP, 1950.

Schneider, D., and K. Gough, eds. Matrilineal Kinship. California, 1961.

2.3.1 - Regional Projects - Rhodes-Livingstone: N. Rhodesia/Zambia/Zimbabwe

Allen, William. The African Husbandman. Oliver & Boyd, 1965.

Colson, Elizabeth, and Max Gluckman, eds. Seven Tribes of British Central Africa. Rhodes-Livingstone Institute, 1959.

Gluckman, Max. The Judicial Process Among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia. Manchester, 1955.

———. Order and Rebellion in Tribal Africa. Free Press, 1963.

Richards, Audrey. Land, Labour and Diet in Northern Rhodesia: An Economic Study of the Bemba Tribe. OUP, 1939.

———. Chisungu: A Girl's Initiation Ceremony Among the Bemba of Northern Rhodesia. Faber & Faber, 1956.

Turner, Victor. Schism & Continuity in an African Society. Manchester, 1957.

———. The Forest of Symbols. Cornell, 1967.

———. Drums of Affliction. Oxford, 1968.

———. Profiles of Change: African Society and Colonial Rule. Cambridge, 1971.

Wilson, Godfrey. Essay on the Economics of Detribalization in Northern Rhodesia. Vol. 2. RL Institute, 1941-42.

Wilson, Monica. Good Company: A Study of Nyakyusa Age-Villages. OUP, 1951. - Chiapas

Vogt, Evon Z. Bibliography of the Harvard Chiapas Project -- The First Twenty Years. Peabody Museum, 1978.

———. Fieldwork among the Maya: Reflection on the Harvard Chiapas Project. New Mexico, 1994. - New Mexico

Vogt, Evon Z., and Ethel M. Albert. People of Rimrock: A Study of Values in Five Cultures. Harvard, 1966. - Indonesia & 1960s Modernization Theory

Geertz, Clifford. Agricultural Involution. California, 1963.

———. Peddlers and Princes. Chicago, 1963.

———. Old Societies and New States. Free Press, 1963.

———. Social History of an Indonesian Town. MIT, 1965.

———. Negara Princeton. 1980.

Peacock, James. Rites of Modernization. 1968. - L'Annales Sociologique

Hertz, Robert. Death, & The Right Hand. E. E. Evans-Pritchard. ET, 1960. (Intro.)

[Huntington, Richard, and Peter Metcalfe. Celebrations of Death: The Anthropology of Mortuary Ritual. Cambridge, 1979.

Bloch, Maurice, and Jonathan Parry, eds. Death and the Regeneration of Life. Cambridge, 1982.]

Hubert, Henri. Sacrifice: It's Nature and Function. Chicago, 1964. Forward: E-P.

Mauss, Marcel. Essai sur le don. 1925. [The Gift]. Norton, 1967. Forward: E-P.

———. Seasonal Variations of the Eskimo: A Study in Social Morphology. RKP, 1979.

———. Sociology and Psychology: Essays. RKP, 1979.

Steiner, Franz. Taboo. Pref. by E. E. Evans-Pritchard. Penguin, 1967.

[van Gennep, Arnold. The Rites of Passage. Chicago, 1960.

Crapanzano, V. "Rite of Return: Circumcision in Morocco." In Psychoanalytic Study of Society. Vol. 9. Edited by W. Meunsterberger, and L. Bryce Boyer. Library of Psychological Anthropology, 1980. - ASA Mongraphs (Initial Volumes Edited by Michael Banton)

1.  The Relevance of Models for Social Anthropology. 1965.
2.  Political Systems and the Distribution of Power. 1965.
3.  Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Religion. 1966.
4.  The Social Anthropology of Complex Societies. 1966.
6.  Themes in Economic Anthropology. 1967. - American Museum Sourcebooks in Anthropology

3. Hunt, Robert, ed. Personalities and Cultures. 1967.
6. Middleton, John, ed. Gods and Rituals. 1967.
14. Dalton, G., ed. Economic Development and Social Change: Modernization of Village Communities. 1971.

3.0 - Interviewing, Life Histories, Narratives

Briggs, Charles L. "Learning How to Ask: A Sociolinguitic Appraisal of the Role of the Interview." Social Science Research.

———. "Interview." Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 9: 137-40.

Fischer, Michael M. J. "Ethnicity and the Postmodern Arts of Memory." In Writing Culture. Edited by James Clifford, and George Marcus. California, 1986.

———. "Uses of Life Histories." Anthropology & Humanism Quarterly 16, no. 1 (1991): 24-27.

———. "Autobiographical Voices (1, 2, 3) and Mosaic Memory: Ethicity, Religion, Science." In Autobiography and Postmodernism.  Edited by Kathleen Ashley, Leigh Gilmore, and Gerald Peters. Mass., 1994.

———. "Eye(I)ing the Sciences and their Signifiers (Language, Tropes, Autobiographers): InterViewing for a Cultural Studies of Science and Technology." In Technoscientific Imaginaries. Vol. 2. Late Editions. Edited by G. Marcus. Chicago, 1995.

Garfinkel, Harold. Studies in Ethnomethodology. Prentice-Hall, 1967.

Goffman, Erving. The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Doubleday, 1959.

———. Interaction Ritual: Essays on Face-to-Face Behavior. Doubleday.

Good, Byron. "The Narrative Representation of Illness." In Medicine, Rationality, and Experience. Cambridge, 1994.

Good, Byron, et al. "Reflexivity, Counter-Transference and Clinical Ethnography." In Physicians of Western Medicine. Edited by Robert Hahn, and Atwood Gaines. 1985.

Kleinman, Arthur. The Illness Narratives: Suffering, Healing and the Human Condition. 1988.

Late Editions. Edited by George Marcus. Chicago. [Playing with the interview format.]

- Perilous States: Conversations on Culture, Politics & Nation. Vol. 1.
- Technoscientific Imaginaries: Conversations, Profiles, & Memoirs. Vol. 2.
- Connected: Engagements with Media. Vol. 3.
- Cultural Producers in Perilous States: Editing Events, Documenting Change. Vol. 4.
- Corporate Futures: The Diffusion of the Cultural Sensitive Corporate Form. Vol. 5.
- Paranoia Within Reason: A Casebook on Conspiracy as Explanation. Vol. 6.
- Para-sites: A Casebook Against Cynical Reason. Vol. 7.
- Zeroing in on the Year 2000: The Final Edition. Vol. 8.

Mattingly, Cheryl. Healing Dramas and Clinical Plots: The Narrative Structure of Exeperience. Cambridge, 1998.

Mishler, Elliot G. Research Interviewing: Context & Narrative. 1986.

Rosaldo, Renato. "Grief and a Headhunter's Rage." In Culture and Truth. Beacon, 1991, pp. 1-21.

Whyte, W. F. Appendix: "On the Evolution of Street Corner Society." In Street Corner Society. 1955 Edition.

3.1 - Psycho-Dynamic, Psychological, and Intersubjective-Interpersonal Studies

Bateson, Gregory, Don Jackson, Jay Haley, and John Weakland. "Toward a Theory of Schizophrenia." Behavioral Science 1 (1956): 251-64.

Briggs, Jean. Never in Anger: Portrait of an Eskimo Family. Harvard, 1970.

Crapanzano, Vincent. Tuhami: Portrait of a Moroccan. Chicago, 1980.

———. Hermes Dilemma and Hamlet's Desire: On the Epistemology of Interpretation. Harvard, 1992.

Dwyer, Kevin. Moroccan Dialogues: Anthropology in Question. JHU, 1982.

Fischer, Michael M. J. "Ethnicity and the Postmodern Arts of Memory." In Writing Culture. Edited by J. Clifford, and G. Marcus. California, 1986.

Fox, Rene, and Judith Swazey. Spare Parts: Organ Replacement in American Society. 1992.

Kracke, Waud. Force and Persuasion: Leadership in an Amazonian Society. Chicago, 1978.

Levy, Robert. Tahitians: Mind and Experience in the Society Islands. Chicago, 1975.

Lotfalian, Mazyar. "Working Through Psychologial Understandings of the Diasporic Condition." Ethos 24, no. 1 (1996): 36-70.

Obeysekere, Gananath. Medusa's Hair. Chicago, 1981.

Rosaldo, Michele. Knowledge and Passion: Ilongot Notions of Self and Social Life. Cambridge, 1980.

Rosaldo, Renato. Ilongot Headhunting 1883-1974: A Study on Society and History. Stanford, 1980.

Schiefflin, Edward. The Sorrow of the Lonely and the Burning of the Dancers. St. Martins, 1976.

3.2 - Socio-Linguistics, Folklore, Oral Histories

Austin, J. L. How to Do Things With Words. Oxford, 1962.

Beeman, William O. Language, Status, and Power in Iran. Indiana, 1986.

Bernstein, Basil. Class, Codes and Control. Routledge, Kegan Paul, 1971.

Bonfiglio, Thomas Paul. Race and the Rise of Standard American. 2002.

Friedrich, Paul. "Shape in Grammar." Linguistics 75 (1970): 5-22.

Hymes, Dell, ed. Language, Culture & Society: Reader in Linguistic Anthropology. Harper & Row, 1964.

Jakobson, Roman, and Morris Halle. "On Aphasia." In Fundamentals of Language. Mouton, 1956.

Labov, William. Language in the Inner City. Penn., 1973.

Lee, Benjamin. Talking Heads: Language, Metalanguage, and the Semiotics of Subjectivity. Duke, 1997.

Malinowski, Bronislaw. "Appendix to C. K. Ogden & I. A. Richards." In The Meaning of Meaning. Harcourt, Brace, 1923.

———. Coral Gardens and their Magic. Vol. 2. 1935.

Tyler, Stephen. Cognitive Anthropology. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1969.

———. The Said and the Unsaid. Academic, 1978.

Whorf, Benjamin Lee. Language, Thought and Reality. MIT, 1956.

3.3 - Oral History Problematics

Cohen, David William. The Combing of History. Chicago, 1994.

Cohen, David Willliam, and E. S. Atieno Otiambo. Burying SM: The Politics of Knowledge and the Sociology of Power in Africa. Heinemann, 1992.

Vansina, Jan. Oral Tradition. Aldine, Jan. 1961-65.

White, Luise, ed. African Words, African Voices: Critical Practices in Oral History. Indiana, 2001.

———. Speaking with Vampires: Rumor and History in Colonial Africa. California, 2000.

3.4 - Folklore in Context

Mills, Margaret. Rhetorics and Politics in Afghan Traditional Storytelling. Penn., 1991.

3.5 - Rereadings with Ethnographic Experience, Context

Bravo, Michael T. "The Anti-Anthropology of Highlanders & Islanders." Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci. 29, no. 3 (1998): 369-89.

Fischer, Michael M. J. "Islamic Governance: Khomeini's Dialogic Use of the Hadith Game." In Debating Muslims. 1990, pp. 128-46. [Rereading Hokumat-i Islami].

———. "Okiek Portraits." American Anthropologist (March 1991); reprinted in Passages (April 1991).

———. "Reading for the Ethnography." In Burying SM: The Political Knowledge and the Sociology of Power in Africa. Heineman, 1992.

Meeker, Michael. Literature and Violence in North Arabia. Cambridge, 1979.

Povinelli, Elizabeth. The Cunning of Recognition. Duke, 2002.

Taussig, Michael. Shamanism, Colonialism  & the Wildman. Chicago, 1986.

3.6 - Translation: Linguistic and Cultural

Benjamin, Walter. "The Task of the Translator." In Illuminations.

Berlin, Brent, and Paul Kay. Basic Color Terms: Their Universality and Evolution. Cal., 1969.

de Man, Paul. "The Task of the Translator." Yale French Studies 69 (1985): 25-46.

Feld, Stephen. Sound and Sentiment. Penn., 1982.

Tedlock, Dennis. "Popol Vuh." In Translation with Commentary. Simon & Schuster, 1985.

4.0 - Seeing Structural Patterns: Symbolic Anthropology, Structuralisms, Critical Theory, Hermeneutic Horizons, Feminist Anthropology

Gibson, Nigel, and Andrew Rubin, eds. Adorno [Theordor] Reader. Blackwell.

Berlin, Brent, and Paul Kay. Basic Color Terms: Their Universality and Evolution. Cal., 1969.

Chomsky, Noam. Syntactic Structures. Mouton, 1957.

Detienne, Marcel. Gardens of Adonis: Spices in Greek Mythology. Humanities, 1977.

Dolgin, Janet, David Kemnitzer, and David Schneider, eds. Symbolic Anthropology. Columbia.

Franklin, Sarah. Embodied Progress: A Cultural Account of Assisted Conception. Routledge, 1997.

Franklin, Sarah, and Helena Ragone, eds. Reproducing Reproduction: Kinship, Power, and Technological Innovation. Penn., 1998.

Gadamer, Hans-Georg. Truth and Method. Edited by ET G. Barden, and J. Cumming. Seabury, 1975.

Geertz, Clifford. The Interpretation of Cultures. Basic, 1973.

———. Local Knowledge: Further Essays in Interpretive Anthropology. Basic, 1983.

Held, David. Introduction to Critical Theory. California, 1980.

Levi-Strauss, Claude. Structural Anthropology. Basic, 1963.

Pike, Kenneth L. Phonemics: A Technique for Reducing Languages to Writing. Mich., 1947.

———. Emics and Etics: The Insider/Outsider Debate. Edited by Thomas Headland, K. L. Pike, and M. Harris. Sage, 1988 [1990].

Reiter, Rayna R., ed. Towards an Anthropology of Women. Monthly Review. 1975.

Rosaldo, Michele, and Louise Lamphere, eds. Women, Culture and Society. Stanford, 1974.

Sahlins, Marshall. Culture & Practical Reason. Chicago, 1976.

———. The Use & Abuse of Biology: An Anthropological Critique of Sociobiology. Michigan, 1977.

Saussure, Ferdinand de. Course in General Linguistics. McGraw-Hill, 1959.

Schneider, David M. American Kinship: a Cultural Account. Prentice-Hall, 1968.

Schneider, David, and Raymond Smith. Class Differences and Sex Roles in American Kinship and Family. Prentice-Hall, 1973.

5.0 - Restudies & Triangulations

A.  Redfield & Lewis:  Tepoztlan

Redfield, Robert. Tepotzlan, a Mexican Village. Chicago, 1930.

Lewis, Oscar. Life in a Mexican Village: Tepoztlan Re-studied. Illinois, 1963.

B.  Malinowski & Weiner: Trobriand Islands

Malinowski, Bronislaw. Argonauts of the Western Pacific. Routledge, 1922.

Weiner, Annette. Women of Value, Men of Renown: New Perspectives in Trobriand Exchange. Texas, 1976.

C.  Evans-Pritchard, Hutchinson, Lienhardt, Scroggins:  Nuer & Dinka

Evans-Pritchard, E. E. The Nuer. 1940. 

———. Kinship & Marriage Among the Nuer. 1951.

———. Nuer Religion. 1956.

Hutchinson, Sharon. Nuer Dilemma: Coping with Money, War & the State. California, 1996.

Lienhardt, R. Godfrey. Divinity & Experience: The Religion of the Dinka. OUP, 1961.

Scroggins, Deborah. Emma's War. Pantheon, 2002.

D.  Latour & Klein:  Intelligent Transporation Systems

Latour, Bruno. Aramis or the Love of Technology. Harvard, 1993/1996.

Klein, Hans K. Institutions, Innovation, and Information Infrastrucure: The Social Construction of Intelligent Transportation Systems in the US, Europe, and Japan. Ph. D., Technology, Management & Policy Program, MIT, 1996.

Keller, Evelyn Fox. A Feeling for the Organism: The Life and Work of Barbara McClintock. W. H. Freeman, 1993.

Comfort, Nathaniel. The Tangled Field: Barbara McClintock's Search for the Patterns of Genetic Control. Harvard, 2001.

F.  Gusterson, Broad, McNamara, Mojtabhai:  Nuclear Weapons

Gusterson, Hugh. Nuclear Rites: A Weapons Laboratory at the End of the Cold War. 1996.

Broad, William. Star Warriors: A Penetrating Look into the Lives of the Young Scientists behind Our Space Age Weaponry. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1985.

Broad, William. Teller's War. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992.

McNamara, Laura. Ways of Knowing About Weapons: The Cold War's End at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Ph. D. U. N. M., 2001.

Mojtabhai, A. G. Blessed Assurance: At Home with the Bomb in Amarillo, Texas. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1986.

G.  Fischer, Akhavi, Motahedeh, Brumberg:  Mullahs & Iranian Revolution

Fischer, Michael. Iran: From Religious Dispute to Revolution. Harvard, 1980.

———. Debating Muslims: Cultural Dialogues in Postmodernity and Tradition. Wisconsin, 1990.

———. "Twenty Years After." In Iran: From Religious Dispute to Revolution. 2nd. ed. Wisconsin, 2003.

Akhavi, Shahrough. Religion and Politics in Contemporary Iran: Clergy-State Relations in the Pahlavi Period. SUNY, 1980.

Motahedeh, Roy. The Mantle of the Prophet: Religion and Politics in Iran. Simon and Schuster, 1985.

Brumberg, Daniel. Reinventing Khomeini: The Struggle for Reform in Iran. Chicago, 2001.

6.0 - Advocacy & Ethnography

Gearing, Fred, Robert Netting, and Lisa Redfield Peattie, eds. Documentary History of the Fox Project, 1948-59: A Program in Action Anthropology. Chicago, 1960.

Fortun, Kim. Advocacy after Bhopal: Environmentalism, Disaster, New Global Order. Chicago, 2001.

7.0 - Fieldwork Under Fire

Daniel, E. Valentine. Charred Lullabies: Chapters in an Anthropology of Violence. Princeton, 1996.

Das, Veena. Mirrors of Violence: Communities, Riots and Survivors in South Asia. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1990.

Nordstrom, Carolyn, and Antonius Robben, eds. Fieldwork under Fire. Cal., 1995.

Greenhouse, Carol, Elizabeth Mertz, and Kay Warren, eds. Ethnography in Unstable Places. Duke, 2002.

Werbner, Richard P. Tears of the Dead: The Social Biography of an African Family. Smithsonian, 1991.

8.0 - Multi-sited Ethnographies, Circulation, Media

Cohen, Lawrence. "Where it Hurts: Indian Material for an Ethics of Organ Transplantation." Daedalus 128, no. 4 (1999): 135-66.

———. No Aging In India. California.

Fischer, Michael, and Mehdi Abedi. Debating Muslims. Wisconsin, 1990.

Fortun, Kim. Advocacy After Bhopal: Environmentalism Disaster, New Global Orders. Chicago, 2001.

Ivy, Marilyn. Discourses of the Vanishing: Modernity, Phantasm, Japan. Chicago, 1995.

Morris, Rosalind. In The Place of Origins: Modernity and its Mediums in Northern Thailand. Duke, 2000.

Siegel, James T. Fetish, Recognition, Revolution. Princeton, 1997.

———. A New Criminal Type in Jakarta: Counter-Revolution Today. Duke, 1998.

9.0 - Ethnographic Writing and Film

Asch, Timothy. The Ax Fight.

Chagnon, Napoleon A., Gary Seaman, and Peter Biella. Yanomamo Interactive: The Ax Fight. Harcourt-Brace College Publishers, May 1996.

Clifford, James. "On Ethnographic Surrealism." CSSH, 1981. Repr. Predicaments of Culture.

Clifford, James, and George Marcus, eds. Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography. California.

Fischer, Michael M. J. "Film as Ethnography and Cultural Critique in the Late Twentieth Century." In Shared Differences: Multicultural Media and Practical Pedagogy. Edited by Diane Carson and Lester Friedman. University of Illinois Press, 1995.

———. "Filming Poland: The Ethnographic (Documentary, Narrative) Films of Maria Zmarz-Koczanowicz." In Cultural Producers in Perilous States. Late Editions. Vol. 4. Edited by G. Marcus. University of Chicago Press, 1997.

———. "Filmic Judgment and Cultural Critique: The Work of Art, Ethics, and Religion in Iranian Cinema." In Religion and Media. Edited by Hent de Vries, and Samuel Weber. Stanford University Press, 2001.

Gardener, Robert, and Akos Ostor. Making Forest of Bliss. Harvard Film Archives, 2001.

Houston, James. The White Dawn: An Eskimo saga. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1971.

Film: 1974, director Philip Kaufman, screenplay James Houston & Tom Rickman.

Kurzon, Nicholas. 1996. Sight Unseen. [on Bali]
        ?         Quebec First Nations and the Hydroelectric Dam

Morris, Rosalind. New Worlds from Fragments: Film, Ethnography, and the Representation of Northwest Coast Cultures. Westview, 1994.

Sensiper, Sylvia. Films are Dreams.

Documentary Educational Resources (

Visual Anthropology

9.1 - Case Study Formats

9.1.1 - Psychoanalytic

Freud. "Wolf Man Case."

Abraham, Nicholas, and Maria Torok. The Wolf Man's Magic Word: A Cryptonomy.

Brooks, Peter. "Freud's 'The Wolf Man'." In Reading for the Plot.

Lacan, Jacques. "The Function and Field of Speech in Psychoanalysis." In Ecrits.

Moller, Lis. "Construction in the Case of the Wolf Man." In The Freudian Reading.

Obeysekere, Gananath. Medusa's Hair. Chicago, 1981.

9.1.2 - Case Study Formats Adapted from Legal Case Study Formats

Cohen, Abner. Arab-Border Villages in Israel: A Study of Continuity and Change in Social Organization. Manchester, 1965.

Gluckman, Max. The Judicial Process Among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia. Manchester, 1955.

———. Order and Rebellion in Tribal Africa. Cohen & West, 1963.

Gulliver, P. H. Cross-Examinations: Essays in Memory of Max Gluckman. Brill, 1978.

Turner, Victor. Schism and Continuity in an African Society. Manchester, 1957.

10.0 - Anthropological Science Studies

Downey, Gary Lee. The Machine in Me: An Anthropologist Sits Among Computer Engineers. Routledge, 1998.

Dumit, Joseph, and Gary L. Downey, eds. Cyborgs & Citadels. SAR, 1997.

Dumit, Joseph, and Robbie Davis-Floyd, eds. Cyborg Babies. Routledge, 1998.

Dumit, Joseph. Picturing Personhood: Brain Scans & Diagnostic IdentityPrinceton.

Fischer, Michael M. J. "Emergent Forms of Life: Anthropologies of Late and Post Modernities." Annual Reviews in Anthropology (1999).

———. "Calling the Future(s) with Ethnographic and Historiographic Legacy Disciplines: STS@the_Turn_[]" In Zeroing In on the Year 2000.  Vol. 8. 2000. Late Editions. Edited by G. Marcus. Chicago.

———. "In the Science Zone: The Yanomami and the Fight for Representation." Anthropology Today (2001).

———. "Biosciences and Biotechnologies as Deep Play and Ethical Plateaus: A review essay of Lock, Margaret, Alan Young, and Alberto Cambrosio, ed. Living and Working with the New Medical Technologies. Cambridge." American Anthropologist (2003). (Forthcoming). 

Gusterson, Hugh. Nuclear Rites: A Weapons Laboratory at the End of the Cold War. California, 1996.

Latour, Bruno. Science in Action: How to Follow Scientists and Engineers through Society. Harvard, 1987.

Latour, Bruno, and Steve Woolgar. Laboratory Life. Sage, 1979.

Martin, Emily. The Woman in the Body: A Cultural Analysis of Reproduction. 1987.       

———. Flexible Bodies: Tracking Immunity in American Culture From the Days of Polio to the Age of AIDS. Beacon, 1994.

Petryna, Adriana. Life Exposed: Biological Citizens After Chernobyl. Princ., 2002.

Rabinow, Paul. Making PCR. Chicago, 1996.

———. French DNA. Chicago, 1999.

Rapp, Rayna. Testing Women, Testing the Fetus: The Social Impact of Amniocentesis in America. Routledge, 1999.

Traweek, Sharon. Beamtimes and Lifetimes: The World of High Energy Physicists. Harvard, 1988.

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