Description This is the second term of a theoretical treatment of the physics of solids. Topics covered include:
Linear Response Theory: Fluctuation Dissipation Theorem; Scattering Experiment; f-sum Rule
Physics of Disorder: Kubo Formula for Conductivity; Conductance and Sensitivity to Boundary Conditions; Scaling Theory of Localization; Mott Variable Range Hopping
Superconductor Revisited: Transverse Response: Landau Diamagnetism; Microscopic Derivation of London Equation; Effect of Disorder; Quasiparticles and Coherence Factors; Tunneling and Josephson Effect
Magnetism: Local Moment Magnetism, Exchange Interaction; Ferro- and Anti-ferro Magnet and Spin Wave Theory; Band Magnetism -- Stoner Theory, Spin Density Wave
Local Moment in Metals: Friedel Sum Rule; Friedel-Anderson Model; Kondo Problem: Singlet Ground State; Kondo Resonance
Fermi Liquid Theory: Electron Spectral Function; Quasi-particles and Landau Interaction Parameters; Fermi Liquid Interpretation of the Kondo Ground State
Theory of Solids I (8.511)
The course grade is based entirely on the 10 homework assignments.