
Quantum Theory II >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


1 - 8Time-dependent Perturbation Theory and Applications to RadiationTime-dependent Potentials

Exactly Soluble 2-State Problem

Time-dependent Perturbation Theory

First Order Perturbation Theory - Fermi's Golden Rule

Coupling to Radiation Field

Absorption Cross-section

Photoelectric Effect

Quantization of Transverse EM Field

E1 Spontaneous Emission

Higher Multipole Transitions

Planck's Radiation Law

Damping and Natural Line Width

Adiabatic Theorem and Berry's Phase
9 - 16Symmetry in Quantum MechanicsSymmetry Groups in QM


Time Reversal

Lattice Translation as a Discrete Symmetry - Bloch's Theorem; Tight-binding Approximation; Basic Band Theory

Identical Particles (2 Particles) - Permutations; Spin Statistics; Pauli Exclusion; Helium; Central Field Approximation; Hartree Equations

N > 2 Identical Particles and the Symmetric Group - Permutation Group SN; Representation Theory of SN; Young Diagrams and Tableaux with Applications to Representation Theory of SU(N), SN; Applications: Quarks, Multi-electron Atoms
17 - 22ScatteringGeneral Framework for Scattering Theory


Born Approximation

Optical Theorem

Spherical Waves

Partial Wave Scattering

Low-energy Scattering, Bound States, Resonances

Coulomb Scattering
23 - 26Relativistic Quantum MechanicsBasics of Special Relativity

Klein-Gordon Equation

Dirac Equation

Relativistic Particles and Group Theory

Solutions to Dirac: Free Particle, Relativistic Hydrogen Atom 


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