
Physical Metallurgy >> Content Detail

Study Materials


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Amazon logo The given readings are from the course textbook: Reed-Hill, R. E., and R. Abbaschian. Physical Metallurgy Principles. 3rd ed. Boston: PWS-Kent, 1991. ISBN: 9780534921736.

Part I. Deformation in Pure Metals
2Background MaterialChap. 1 and 3
3Dislocation StructureChap. 4.1-4.8
4Dislocation Structure (cont.)Chap. 4.9-4.14
5Inter-dislocation ForcesChap. 4 and 5.1
6Crystallographic Orientation and Dislocation BehaviorChap. 5.2-5.16
7Work HardeningChap. 5.17-5.23
8TwinningChap. 17.1-17.12
Part II. Thermal Effects on Pure Metal Structure and Properties
9Thermal EffectsChap. 8.1-8.3 and 4.8
10Ensemble EffectsChap. 8.4-8.12
11Exam I
12The Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov EquationChap. 8.13-8.19
Part III. Alloying
13Solid-Solution AlloysChap. 9.1-9.7
14Dislocation-Solute InteractionsChap. 9.8-9.15
15Precipitation - Part 1Chap. 16.1-16.6
16Precipitation - Part 2Chap. 16.6-16.10
17Precipitation - Part 3Chap. 16
18Alloy Strengthening

Quiz II
19Ductility and ToughnessChap. 21.1-21.6
20CrackingChap. 21.6-21.11
21Fatigue Strength and FailureChap. 21.12-21.22
Part IV. Specific Engineering Alloys
22Phase TransformationsChap. 18
23Applications of Course ConceptsChap. 19 and parts of Chap. 17
24Exam II
25Student's Choice of Alloy Systems


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