
Medieval Literature: Dante, Boccaccio, Chaucer >> Content Detail

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Readings are also listed by session.

Required Texts

Please observe the specific editions and translations while buying or borrowing these texts.

Amazon logo Alighieri, Dante. La Vita Nuova. Translated by Mark Musa. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1999. ISBN: 0192839357.

Amazon logo ———. Inferno. Translated by Allen Mandlebaum. New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1982. ISBN: 0553213393.

Amazon logo ———. Purgatorio. Translated by Allen Mandlebaum. New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1983. ISBN: 055321344X.

Amazon logo ———. Paradiso. Translated by Allen Mandlebaum. New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1986. ISBN: 0553212044.

Amazon logo Boccaccio, Giovanni. The Decameron. Translated by G. H. McWilliam. 2nd ed. London, UK and New York, NY: Penguin Books, 1972, 1995, 2003. ISBN: 0140449302.

Amazon logo Chaucer, Geoffrey. Troilus and Criseyde. Edited by Barry Windeatt. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1998. ISBN: 0192832905.

Additionally, the following selection of works are available on the Web:

Selected Troubadour Lyrics

Guido Guinizelli

Guido Cavalcante

Dante, De Vulgari Eloquentia


Readings by Session

SES #topicsreadings
1The Courtly Love Tradition

2Domination and DesireSelected authors. Selected Troubadour Lyrics.
3Dolce Stil Nuovo Dante. La Vita Nuova. i-xxi.

Guinizelli, Guido. Al cor gentil.
4Ennobling Love: Sublimation and SubjectionDante. La Vita Nuova. xxii-xlii.

Cavalcante, Guido. Sonnets. xxii and xxiii.
5Historical Background: Secular Politics
6Historical Background: Church Politics
7Florentine History and the The Divine Comedy Dante. Inferno. i-xi.
8Epic and RomanceDante. Inferno. xii-xxii.

De Vulgari Eloquentia.
9Moral Perversion and Linguistic DistortionDante. Inferno. xxiii-xxxiv.
10Confession and the Practice of PenitenceDante. Purgatorio. i-xi.
11Nature and the Power of LoveDante. Purgatorio. xii-xxii.
12Ecstatic DesireDante. Purgatorio. xxiii-xxxiii.
13Moral CosmologyDante. Paradiso. i-xi.
14Visions of the Ideal SocietyDante. Paradiso. xii-xxii.
15The Ends of LanguageDante. Paradiso. xxiii-xxxiii.
16The Plague of LanguageBoccaccio. Decameron. Prologue; I. Introduction, i, ii, iii; II. vii, ix; III. i, iii, x.
17Comedy and TragedyBoccaccio. Decameron. IV. i, ii, v; V. iv, x; VI. Introduction, v, vii, x, Conclusion.
18Rhetoric and RedemptionBoccaccio. Decameron. VII. i, ii, vi, viii, ix; VIII. i, vii; IX. ii, vi, x; X. v, x, Epilogue.
19Historical Background: The Fourteenth-Century Renaissance in England
20Britain and the Myth of Trojan OriginsChaucer. Troilus and Criseyde. I. 1-469.
21Ricardian PoliticsChaucer. Troilus and Criseyde. I. 470-1090.
22Free Will and DeterminismChaucer. Troilus and Criseyde. II.

Petrarch, Sonnet cxxxii, "S'amor non è."
23Mediators and MediationChaucer. Troilus and Criseyde. III.
24Multiplicity and IndeterminacyChaucer. Troilus and Criseyde. IV.
25Tragedy and TranscendenceChaucer. Troilus and Criseyde. V.
26What Is This Thing Called Love?



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