
Language and its Structure II: Syntax >> Content Detail

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1From Words to Phrases
The Big Picture: Three Examples

The Cinque Hierarchy

Greenberg Universals

Parameters (wh-movement)


2Constituent Structure and Tests for Constituent Structure

Sentence Fragments, Movement, Ellipsis, Anaphora as Tests for Constituency

X-bar Theory: Heads


Complements and Modifiers


3The 'Sisterhood Condition on Selection', and Some Consequences

Implications for Acquisition

Modification of the Sisterhood Condition gives the Notion "Head"

CP and IP

Apparent Deviations from the Sisterhood Condition due to Movement. "Scrambling" in Japanese

Assignment #1 Due

4The Architecture of the Grammar

The Rule Move: Scrambling in Japanese

What's Universal? The UTAH Condition on Thematic Role Assignment

Assignment #2 Due

5Head Movement

Apparent Deviations from the Sisterhood Condition in Verb-second languages (German, Dutch, Swedish, Vata...)

Verb Movement to I in French

VSO Languages (Irish, Welsh...) and the VP-internal Subject

Assignment #3 Due

6The English Verb System

Assignment #4 Due

7Case Theory

Morphological Case Systems

Case Theory and the Distribution of Complements

Assignment #5 Due


DP vs. Non-DP; V&P vs. N&A

English as a Case Language!


Passive Sentences and Raising to Subject

Passive in the Clause and in NP

Long-distance Passive vs. Control (PRO)

Subject Control vs. Object Control


Assignment #6 Due (Two days after Lec #9)



The 1-Advancement Exclusiveness Law
Ne-cliticization in Italian and Other Tests for Unaccusativity


11How Well Can We Predict Unaccusativity from Lexical Semantics?

Assignment #7 Due

12Coreference and Constituent Structure

Principle A, Principle B, Principle C

Coreference, Binding and Disjoint Reference

Governing Category

Long-distance Reflexives in Dutch and Chinese


13Binding vs. Coreference

Binding and Coreference in Language Acquisition and Language Disorders


14Is it Real?Assignment #9 Due
15A-Bar Movement

Wh-movement as Movement to Spec, CP

I-to-C Movement and Wh-movement in Questions and Relative Clauses.


Doubly-Filled Comp filter

Relative Clauses

The Model of Grammar: "Superiority Effects" and "Tucking In".

Assignment #10 Due
17Island Phenomena; the "Subjacency Condition"




The Condition on Extraction Domains (CED) Incorporation (Mohawk, Chichewa, Southern Tiwa)

Assignment #11 Due


Covert Movement and "Logical Form"

WH-movement in Japanese/Chinese-type Languages. Adjuncts vs. Arguments. Covert Movement

Squib Due (Two days after Lec # 19)


Ellipsis and Quantifier Raising

Quantifier Raising, VP-ellipsis, Antecedent-Contained Deletion



The Architecture of the Grammar

The "Minimalist Program"



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