Study Center & Peer-Assisted Learning

The Study Center provides academic support through peer-tutoring and faculty assistance for students enrolled in Ferrum College. Through the Peer Assisted Learning program (PAL) peer-tutoring is provided primarily for introductory level courses by students who have excelled in course work, been recommended by the professor, and who have applied and been hired by ARC faculty.
» Fall 2009 PAL and On-Call Tutor Schedule
» Schedule individual PAL appointments
Frequently asked questions
Where is the Study Center?
The Study Center is located on the ground floor of Stanley Library, in the Academic Resources Center. PAL Study sessions are typically held here.
When can I come to the Study Center?
PAL study sessions are established in each class involved in the program
(Click here to download the list). Study sessions are scheduled for twice a week, but extra sessions are called prior to major tests.
Click here to download the current PAL Study Session schedule. If you cannot make it to a PAL study session, you can schedule individual appointments using the
PAL online scheduler. The Study Center in the ARC is open 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. weekdays, and you can schedule
individual appointments with ARC tutors any time during those hours.
What classes are involved in the PAL program?
The PAL program covers classes across several majors, especially introductory-level classes.
Click here to see what classes are available for study sessions this semester.
What should I bring with me to the Study Center?
- » Your course text
- » Your class notes and any handouts provided to you by your professor
- » Something to write with, to write on, and any other equipment your class requires (such as a calculator)
- » A schedule or datebook
What if I can't make it to a PAL study session?
If your schedule prevents you from attending a study session, you can schedule individual appointments with PAL Study tutors using our online registration system.
Click here to sign up for individual appointments.