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East-West University Library
Library Purposes and Functions
The basic purposes and functions of the library are:
* to provide specific materials, regardless of format, for students of all degree and non-degree programs.... |
Other Campus Resources |
Eastern University Library
About the Library
Our Mission
Warner Memorial Library is the Information Gateway of Eastern University. The Library supports the Mission of the University to provide a Biblically based Christian Higher.... |
Other Campus Resources |
Eastern University Residence Life
Residence Life at Eastern University provides students many opportunities for choices within community expectations and standards. The University’s
standards and expectations are designed to support.... |
Apartments and Housing |
Eastern University Academic Counseling
Academic Support, Counseling, and Disability Services at Eastern University include counseling services, tutoring services and writing services for students in the College of Arts and Sciences; and .... |
University Services |
Eastern University University-Wide Services
University-Wide Services, consisting of Auxiliary Services, Conferences & Special Events and Safety and Security, offer a variety of services that help students, faculty, and staff. .... |
University Services |
Eastern University Commuter Services
Becoming a commuter will undoubtedly provide you with many positive and exciting experiences, as well as
challenging opportunities for your own personal growth. Although you are a commuter, you are.... |
University Services |
Eastern University Cushing Center for Counseling
The Cushing Center for Counseling and Academic Support (CCAS) is committed to serving Eastern University students who need academic or psychological support to realize their potential during their college.... |
University Services |
Eastern University Human Resources
Human Resources Department
mission statement
Facilitate "Our Commitment to Community"* by instilling in all employees a sense of confidence in the University as an employer and by encouraging.... |
University Services |
Eastern University Health Center
Student Health Center Hours:
Monday - Thursday 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
(closed 1/2 hour for lunch)
Friday - 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Phone: 610-341-5955
Fax: 610-341-5954
E-mail:.... |
University Services |
Eastern University Instructional Technology Support Center
Instructional Technology Support Center (ITSC)
Phone: 610-341-5865
Fax: 610-225-5013 or 610-341-1590
E-Mail: [email protected]
Semester Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 7:30 AM.... |
University Services |