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Brown University Writing Center
The Writing Center is a satellite office of the Dean of the College. The Center is staffed by graduate students from a variety of academic disciplines. Staff members are experienced writers and teachers.... |
University Services |
Texas Tech University Writing Center
The University Writing Center provides one-on-one tutorials to undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff in an effort to support its belief that writing serves as one of the primary means.... |
University Services |
Harvard College Writing Center
The Writing Center, part of the Harvard College Writing Program, is a place for Harvard undergraduates to get help with any aspect of their writing, from specific assignments to general writing skills..... |
University Services |
Colorado State University Writing Center
Welcome to Writing@CSU — home of Colorado State University's online learning environment, the Writing Studio. Use this site to:
- learn to write
- save your work in a free password-protected account.... |
University Services |
The University of Kansas - KU Writing Center
Our Mission Statement
- We will provide qualified writing consultants who support the academic mission of the University so that you can work confidently in our writing centers.
- We will create an.... |
University Services |
Amateur Radio Club
Our Mission Statement
- We will provide qualified writing consultants who support the academic mission of the University so that you can work confidently in our writing centers.
- We will create an.... |
College Communities |
American Society for Precision Engineering
American Society for Precision Engineering (ASPE) focuses on many areas that are important in the research, design, development, manufacture and measurement of high accuracy components and systems. ASPE.... |
College Communities |
Campus International Fellowship
CIF is a Christian fellowship in the Baptist tradition which seeks to help, through Bible studies and practical training; Christian international students become effective leaders in the Christian community..... |
College Communities |
Climbing Club
The purpose of this club is to create a community of interested students that can learn from each other and enjoy the sport of climbing together. Club objectives are to exercise and have fun while perfecting.... |
College Communities |
Alpha Kappa Psi
The main focus of Alpha Kappa Psi is to provide leadership development, personal and professional training, and the fundamental ingredient higher education misses... experience. By developing a program.... |
College Communities |