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Aussie Filmmaker Wendy Dent Guest-Speaks at University of Southern California Screening of Her Zimba

Source: Posted By: Candace George..4400 days ago

Campus: University of California-Berkeley

Award winning Australian filmmaker Wendy Dent will guest-speak at University of Southern California 7pm Tuesday March 12 at a special screening and discussion of 'No News From Harare', her human....

Students, alumni go online to mock new University of California logo (Poll)

Source: Posted By: Bailey COS...4491 days ago

Campus: University of California-Berkeley

The new University of California logo is being mocked online by students and alumni who worry the new symbol will hurt the system's reputation. Among other things, critics say the simple and....

University of California Must Disclose Fund Investments Details

Source: Posted By: Mary PER...4537 days ago

Campus: University of California-Berkeley

The University of California, which manages a $70 billion investment portfolio for retirees, faces a tentative court order to make “a good faith effort” to get and disclose the returns it....

University of California Sues Facebook for Patent Infringement

Source: Posted By: Hilmer JOS...4580 days ago

Campus: University of California-Berkeley

The University of California is suing Facebook, alleging infringment on four patents that enable Internet browsers to host embedded interactive applications. Facebook, along with Wal-Mart....

UC argues in favor of race-conscious admissions

Source: Posted By: pete HAI...4610 days ago

Campus: University of California-Berkeley

University of California leaders weighed in on the U.S. Supreme Court case over the use of affirmative action in college admissions Monday, arguing that it's necessary to consider race to ensure....

UC Berkeley joins online education platform of Harvard and MIT

Source: newscenter.berk Posted By: Claire MCC...4630 days ago

Campus: University of California-Berkeley

UC Berkeley announced Tuesday that it is joining the new online education platform founded by Harvard and MIT that offers free but not-for-credit courses to a worldwide audience. The addition....

University of California committee endorses tax initiative, freezes tuition

Source: Posted By: Barba RAM...4636 days ago

Campus: University of California-Berkeley

A University of California committee has voted to freeze undergraduate tuition this fall and endorse Gov. Jerry Brown's tax initiative. But UC officials say students could face a steep midyear....

University of Calif. faces mounting pension costs

Source: Posted By: Melody DIC...4665 days ago

Campus: University of California-Berkeley

The cost of pensions and retiree health benefits are soaring at the University of California, increasing pressure to raise tuition and cut academic programs at one of the nation’s leading public....

University of California weighs more tuition hikes

Source: Posted By: Lillie SIM...4707 days ago

Campus: University of California-Berkeley

University of California students could face significantly higher tuition if the state doesn't increase funding and voters reject the governor's tax initiative, school administrators said Tuesday. Under....

Occupiers give conditions for leaving UC farmland

Source: Posted By: Chris BAL...4708 days ago

Campus: University of California-Berkeley

Occupy activists who set up an encampment and planted crops on land owned by the University of California, Berkeley say they will only leave if officials meet certain demands. A group called....

The University of California, Berkeley, Chooses Skire Unifier for Capital Project and Program Manage

Source: Market Watch Posted By: Benny Penito..4750 days ago

Campus: University of California-Berkeley

Skire, Inc. ( ), the leading global provider of cloud-based solutions for managing capital projects, facilities and real estate, today announced that the University of California,....

UC debates firing tenured Riverside professor

Source: Posted By: jack HAR...4818 days ago

Campus: University of California-Berkeley

The University of California is attempting to fire a tenured professor, a move so rare it has happened only a handful of times over the past 30 years. The UC Board of Regents is set to decide....

More out-of-state, foreign students apply to UC schools

Source: L. A. Times Posted By: Mary HAW...4824 days ago

Campus: University of California-Berkeley

Sharply higher numbers of students from other states and countries applied for admission to the University of California this year, following UC's controversial efforts to recruit more such students....

University of California system, UCLA professor charged in lab fire that killed staffer

Source: Posted By: Jacky SIL...4840 days ago

Campus: University of California-Berkeley

Felony charges have been filed against the University of California and a UCLA chemistry professor in connection with a laboratory fire that killed a staff research assistant three years ago.....

Police: Man shot at UC Berkeley acted strangely in days before fatal encounter with officiers

Source: Washington Post Posted By: Billy TAM...4881 days ago

Campus: University of California-Berkeley

University of California, Berkeley undergraduate who apparently turned his life around to attend the university’s prestigious business school was described by investigators Wednesday as having....

University of California weighs varying tuitions at its 10 campuses

Source: L. A. Times Posted By: Bailey COS...5073 days ago

Campus: University of California-Berkeley

Should an education at UC Berkeley cost more than one at UC Santa Cruz? Should a student pay $11,000 in tuition at UC Riverside while his friend is billed $16,000 at UCLA? Leaders of the 10-campus....

USC gets record $200M, unrestricted donation

Source: Posted By: Gigi DUG...5134 days ago

Campus: University of California-Berkeley

The University of Southern California is getting a record $200 million unrestricted donation from a steel company chairman and his wife. The university says in a news release Wednesday that....

UC regents hand out incentive pay a day after cuts

Source: Posted By: Benny Penito..5181 days ago

Campus: University of California-Berkeley

Finances are so dire at the University of California that it might have to turn away qualified students, but UC has still found a way to reward hundreds of employees with more than $4 million....

UC execs demand more benefits

Source: Biz Journals Posted By: Billy TAM...5203 days ago

Campus: University of California-Berkeley

Executives at the University of California are threatening to sue the university system if it does not spend millions to increase their pensions, a that that has sparked anger among state officials,....

UC raises retirement age for university employees

Source: Forbes Posted By: Betty DOU...5219 days ago

Campus: University of California-Berkeley

The next generation of University of California employees could have to work longer to receive pensions and other retirement benefits. The UC Board of Regents on Monday approved a contentious....

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