U of California Santa Barbara professor cleared of improper conduct
Source: latimesblogs.la Posted By: Mark A..5752 days ago
Campus: University of California-Santa Barbara (UCSB)
In a case that triggered national debate about academic freedom, a UC Santa Barbara investigation has cleared a sociology professor of improper conduct for e-mailing students images that compared....
U of California professor cleared for anti-Israel e-mail
Source: jta.org Posted By: Jon P...5756 days ago
Campus: University of California-Santa Barbara (UCSB)
A professor at a California university has been cleared of alleged faculty misconduct for sending an e-mail to students comparing Israel's policies in Gaza to Nazis. A committee at the University....
Academic Freedom Under Attack? - UCSB Students Protest ADL Visit over Alleged Anti-Semitic Email
Source: independent.com Posted By: White VIO...5804 days ago
Campus: University of California-Santa Barbara (UCSB)
A perceived threat to academic freedom so inflamed a group of UCSB students on Thursday, April 30, that not even getting stuck in an elevator could stop them. A well-dressed group of students....