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Tuesday, May 12, 2009 9:00 AM

  • Topic :
  • How Do I Pay for College?         

I've worked really hard and managed to get into one of my top college choices. Now the problem is, how exactly will i be able to support myself through a 4 year program. Any suggestion? Help from government? Student loan? what's the best approach. Thx.
Lillie S.
(Post #1)
8 replies

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 9:02 AM

Have you checked out FAFSA? Did you file with them or have you gotten an award letter?
Alan GOR.
(Post #2)
1 reply

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 4:52 PM

Did you know that the avg. cost of a 1- year at a private U.S. college or university is now $21,235. That has increased $15,000 from 5 years ago. To put the 40% increase in perspective, household income in the United States during this same period rose just 4%.
Candace George
(Post #3)
1 reply

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 4:55 PM - A Reply to Candace Geor....'s post (Post #3)

oh. and i forgot to mention for public school system, it has risen even more. One of the reason for that is the state funded schools had their budget cut and the schools were greatly affected by the down economy.
Candace George
(Post #4)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 4:59 PM

A lot of people are working a part time job to support themselves. It takes a toll on your focus, but you got to do what you have to do to get by and get an education at the same time.
Christy HOL.
(Post #5)
1 reply

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 5:03 PM - A Reply to Christy's post (Post #5)

This is the sad truth about the increased tuition. It's all about economics theory. Supply and demand curve. People are starting to realize that a so-so high school degree or a community college degree is not enough for you to earn a middle-class income. So, more people are pursuing a 4 year degree in an accredited universities. Colleges can basically keep raising the tuition and not have to worry about losing students.
Renee HIC.
(Post #6)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 6:46 PM - A Reply to Alan's post (Post #2)

What's FAFSA? How will it help students?
Billy TAM.
(Post #7)
1 reply

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 6:48 PM - A Reply to Billy's post (Post #7)

FAFSA is a short name for Free Application for Federal Student Aid, a questionnaire that students are required to fill out and send to the federal Dept. of Education to prove eligibility for financial aid.
Alan GOR.
(Post #8)
1 reply

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 6:52 PM - A Reply to Alan's post (Post #8)

There are other students and volunteers available to help you fill out the FAFSA form if you feel the whole college admission process and obtaining financial aid process is overwhelming. They will even help you search on the internet to find available grants, etc.
Carson ROG.
(Post #9)

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