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Tuesday, Apr 28, 2009 8:56 PM

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  • Faculty-student romance policy         

It is understandable when colleges ban faculty-student romance to avoid conflict of interest. However, there is a case to be made as an exception when the faculty is not supervising or giving grades to the student. UCLA psychology professor Paul R. Abramson has even written a book about this issue. He argues that colleges shouldn't restrict dating by consenting adults.

What is your opinion about this faculty-student dating policy?
(Post #1)
2 replies

Monday, May 11, 2009 10:15 AM

This is a controversial topic. One can argue that if the faculty member is not teaching this student in any classes and both individuals are adults, then they should be allowed to engage in a romantic relationship. But you also have to think that this faculty member might have a way to influence other faculty members that are directly involved with this student. They might be professors for this students, etc. So, it is really tough for any universities to loosen this policy because they are afraid it will lead to more problems down the road.
Jacky SIL.
(Post #2)
1 reply

Tuesday, Nov 17, 2009 12:18 PM - A Reply to Jacky's post (Post #2)

This topic is important and the outcome of faculty student interaction can be mutually beneficial and may not be harmful if honesty is the watchword between the parties. If there is a standard law on academic integrity it must be observed everywhere and if the law allows meaningful non casual dirty relationship then the result can be marital but harassment, victimization or loose grading can easily be checked from graded scripts with dire consequences resulting for the individuals. Monitoring of academic quality is always very important and should not only be restricted to relationship.
Matthew AFO.
(Post #3)

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