There seems to be an infinite number of positions available for higher education professionals seeking employment in student affairs; yet this never ending list of opportunities seems to be matched with a never ending list of applications from similarly/equally/more qualified candidates.
Every candidate, well every good candidate, applying for every position seems to have their own niche for ensuring the employment opportunity will fall into their own lap. The idea that seems to be hard to grasp for anyone in this position of attempting to start their professional career in higher education is that the thinking that one would perfectly fit the mold and be able to meet and surpass the requirements for the position is a commonality between every applicant.
Allegedly, from what's being said on the internet and on the podiums, especially during every keynote, the successful and already well established professionals in the field continually promote their positive outlook on employment opportunities for the future professionals, there should be a lot of jobs available, and being offered, as well as clearly becoming filled; but there's not.
Where are these jobs going? Who is actually giving these jobs away? Who is taking these, often, fantastic employment opportunities?
Though the above questions apply to the job search for every professional, do any of these questions genuinely touch on the issues at hand?
The question could be asked what should new graduates do differently in their search for their first employer. What also could be asked, and what this article attempts to spur the further discussion of, is what should employers do differently in their search for employees; especially when focusing on filling their entry level positions.