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Tuesday, Feb 02, 2010 9:20 AM

  • Topic :
  • Can a professor based your entire class grade solely on one exam and one presentation?         

Can a professor based your entire class grade solely on one exam and one presentation?
Scuplin K.
(Post #1)
2 replies

Wednesday, Mar 03, 2010 7:43 AM

My graduate marketing class was exactly like that. We have one essay exam and one huge project/presentation at the end. If you mess up in the slightest way, you will end up with a C easy.
Melody DIC.
(Post #2)

Friday, Mar 05, 2010 8:12 AM

Yes, i had that before and it was painful experience because it was one exam and then one project, which was a group project. I was in a group where other people are not contributing enough and we ended up getting a B- for the project and dragged my grade down.
Hilmer JOS.
(Post #3)

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