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Tuesday, Jan 19, 2010 8:49 AM

  • Topic :
  • Does the college you apply to care about if your parents have gone to college?         

Does the college you apply to care about if your parents have gone to college or not, if so, which colleges they attended?
jim R.
(Post #1)
2 replies

Friday, Feb 19, 2010 12:32 PM

I think the schools do not necessaily care about if your parents have gone to college or have a college degree. I know some applications do ask that question, but i think at the end of the day, those are just used for statistical purposes.
Len WIS.
(Post #2)
1 reply

Tuesday, Mar 09, 2010 9:58 AM - A Reply to Len's post (Post #2)

Colleges and universities now probably do not care about whether your parents have gone to college or not. If they ask for that information, they are probably just collecting info for study purposes. On the other hand, some scholarships or sponsor may award students who are the first in the family to head to college, so if you fall into that group, you may want to search around and look for those scholarships.
Nellie DIX.
(Post #3)

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