Apollo College Mission
The mission of Apollo College is to prepare graduates to become health care professionals with the knowledge and skill necessary to assume entry-level positions in the health care industry.
Apollo College has the following goals consistent with its mission:
1. Develop knowledgeable and skill-oriented graduates who possess the necessary behavior and attitude which allows them to transition into entry-level employment in the health care industry.
2. Provide quality didactic and clinical experiences that prepare graduates to perform competently within the professional standards of their field of study.
3. Provide the appropriate educational environment and services that result in appropriate student completion and employment rates after graduation.
4. Prepare graduates to successfully obtain certification and/or licensure specific to their program of study.
5. Demonstrate measurable satisfaction of its students, graduates, faculty and the community.
6. Advance the health care industry by articulating with institutions of higher education to promote transferability of credits.
7. Hire, develop and retain a professional faculty capable of preparing students for a career in the health care professions.