I know some of those. After searching the web, I realized that there are many many more that I have never heard of.
I wonder how many people are actually using them.
AFAIAA - As far as I am aware
AFAIC - As far as I am concerned
AFAIK - As far as I know
AFAIUI - As far as I understand it
AFAP - As far as possible
AFJ - April Fool's joke
AFK - Away from keyboard
AFPOE - A fresh pair of eyes
AH - At home
AIAMU - And I am a money's uncle
AIGHT - Alright
AIR - As I remember
AISB - As it should be
AISB - As I said before
AISI - As I see it
AITR - Adult in the room
AKA - Also known as
ALCON - All concerned
AMBW - All my best wishes
AML - All my love