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  • What is journal impact factor? I would like to know what is the impact factor of a journal.
  • Asked By: Jacob (5627 days ago, 1 answers )

Answers ( 1 )

The impact factor, sometimes abbreviated IF, is a citation measure produced by Thompson Scientific's ISI Web of Knowledge database. Impact factors are published annually in ISI's Journal Citation Reports Database.

How is the Impact Factor calculated?
In a given year, the impact factor of a journal is the average number of citations to those papers that were published during the two preceding years.

For example, the 2008 impact factor of a journal would be calculated as follows:

A = the number of times articles published in 2006 and 2007 were cited by indexed journals during 2008
B = the total number of "citable items" published in 2006 and 2007. ("Citable items" are usually articles, reviews, proceedings, or notes; not editorials or Letters-to-the-Editor.)

2008 impact factor = A/B

(Note that 2008 impact factors are actually published in 2009; it cannot be calculated until all of the 2008 publications had been received by the indexing agency.)

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